Comon Intake Platform - Healthcare Enterprise Application

CIP will unify customer/member intake and eligibility across multiple lines of business within the UnitedHealth Group. Combining data sources will help remediate issues upstream before they permeate downstream systems. So far, CIP has successfully processed twenty million members and remediated more than a million risk records.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Social Media Management Research

The CDC’s goal was to unify social media content management across several agencies. User interviews were conducted to understand processes and pain points, and an extensive analysis of third-party SMM applications. The research resulted in a workflow and application that would improve collaboration, streamline scheduling, and ensure compliance.
View Final Research Presentation

Verb Technology - Direct Sales CRM

Beyond bug fixes and the occasional feature enhancement, the sampling process hadn’t been thoroughly reviewed in years. Sampling is a key component in converting prospects into customers for several of their top clients, and they were growing frustrated with an outdated, overly complicated process. My challange was to apply UX design methodologies and uncover ways to improve the process.
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Pacific Gas & Electric's DASH

DASH is a web portal that prioritizes post-earthquake inspections for PG&E's gas, electric, hydro, nuclear, and corporate real estate. The challenges were merging complex data from PG&E and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) into valuable information for seismologists, adminis, and department managers. And creating a quality user experience within the parameters of legacy software.
Signed NDA - Contact me for more information.

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SBO Data Sciences

Sales needed a way to consolidate data from Adobe SiteCatalyst and Salesforce to manage their B2B accounts more effectively. Creating dashboards with meaningful, accurate data required deciphering a lengthy Project Requirements document and working with the Data Sciences team. The depth of the sales data required some research so I experimented with Google Analytics and Tableau.
Signed NDA - Contact me for more information.

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Creative Edge Classroom

CEC was a SaaS designed for academic institutions. School administrators and instructors would create courses within departments and invite students to join. The current concept focused too heavily on the students instead of the academic institutions (the consumer). I simplified very complex IA, UI elements, and workflows while still providing ample information about the content and users.
View User Flows | View Designs

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Polytech LIS

The biggest issue Comp Pro Med had in trying to increase their customer base was Polytech LIS' outdated look and workflows. However, because it is a well-established product, improvements had to respect the existing customer base. I was only brought in to improve the UI. But, through multiple design reviews, I demonstrated ways to improve the UX by reworking some of the IA and workflows.
Signed NDA - Contact me for more information.